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Bloons TD 2

Bloons Tower Defense 2 Review

Today, we'll explore "Bloons Tower Defense 2", a popular sequel with innovative features and improved gameplay. This review helps us understand this well-loved tower defense game.

Description of Bloons Tower Defense 2

"Bloons Tower Defense 2" is a strategy game by Ninja Kiwi, where players prevent balloons from reaching the track end by strategically placing towers to pop them.

The sequel adds features like extra maps, improved towers, harder levels, and diverse bloons for added depth and thrill. Each tower has unique strengths and abilities that can be upgraded for better performance.

How To Play Bloons Tower Defense 2?

The gameplay is fairly straightforward yet engaging. You begin with a designated sum of funds, which can be allocated towards buying and tactically positioning towers across the game board. Once the game begins, bloons start flowing from one end to another. Your job is to burst these bloons by placing your towers wisely. Each popped bloon earns you money; however, if any bloon reaches the end of your path, you lose lives. Objective: Ensure your survival by stopping all the bloons from reaching their end point for as long as you can.

Who Created Bloons Tower Defense 2?

Ninja Kiwi, a well-known gaming company, developed the popular Bloons Tower Defense series, praised globally for its unique, engaging tower defense gameplay.

Bottom Line

In summary, "Bloons Tower Defense 2" is a captivating mix of strategy and action with engaging gameplay and challenging levels. The game offers hours of fun for both first-time players and seasoned tower defense aficionados.